Fulcrum was retained by a large commercial orchardist following notice from the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation of an area of illegal drum storage andpetroleum staining on an area of U.S. government land near Mattawa, Washington. As is typical in remoteareas, property boundaries are not always obvious. But the fact that nearly 200 full 55-gallon drums ofpurportedly “used oil” from farm equipment had been stored on bare soil should have been an indication thata better solution was necessary. Further complicating the situation was Ecology’s concern that the drumsmay have contained mixed equipment fluids, including used oil, antifreeze, transmission oils, brake fluid,etc. or agricultural chemicals.Following discussions with Ecology, Fulcrum prepared a sampling and analysis plan to include visualinspection and chlorinated product testing of each drum. Where indications of drum fluid layering orchlorinated products were identified through field testing, representative samples of the fluid were collectedand submitted for laboratory analysis. At the conclusion of the project, nearly 95% of all drums wereconfirmed to be used oil and approximate 5% of the drums were identified with chlorinated productcontamination from brake cleaners and similar fluids.
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207 West Boone Avenue
Spokane, WA 99201
p: 509.459.9220
406 North 2nd Street
Yakima, WA 98901
p: 509.574.0839